Find ideal tax class for working married couple
In a typical household, the higher earner bears more expense than the other partner. As such, you can decide upon a combination where higher earner can save more money from taxes.
When you first register your marriage in Germany, by default you fall under combination 4/4. If only one partner is working, it’s always ideal to choose the combination 3/5 with tax group 5 for the dependant. When both of you are working, you should find an ideal combination so as to increase your net combined tax savings. We have used a free tool from Steurrechner.
How to use it ?
- load the free tool from Steurrechner here.
- Wir verdienen beide – Select Ja if both of the partner is working.
- Wir arbeiten im gleichen Bundesland – Select Nein if both of you are not working on same Bundesland (German state).
- Jahresbruttolohn (Ehepartner 1) – Enter Annual Brutto Income of partner1.
- Bundesland – select Bundesland of Partner1.
- Jahresbruttolohn (Ehepartner 2) – Enter Annual Brutto Income of partner2.
- Bundesland – select Bundesland of Partner2, if both of you work in different Bundesland.

- Click Steuerklasse finden button to print the results.
Now, Results (Ergebnis) are published for various tax combination (Kombination) along with the Income tax paid by each partner (Refer Partner (Lohnsteur))
- Nachzahlung: refers to the arrears amount which you should pay back to Tax office.
- Erstattung: refers to the tax refund which you can claim from Tax office.
Based on the results, you can decide upon the ideal tax combination with zero Nachzahlung (arrears to Tax office) and maximum Erstattung (Tax Refund).