How to find a course center for Integration course ?
Once you have certificate of eligibility (Berichtigungsschein) to attend an Integration course from Ausländerbehörde or BAMF or Job center, you can enrol for the same at a nearby course center.
- Login to WebGIS application from BAMF here.
- Switch the language to English at top Right side of the screen and then select Quick search option from the left side of the new screen.
- Enter your location details (regular address) and then opt for Integration course as shown above.
- In the new pop up block, select the type of integration course and then decide when to begin the course- current running courses or new planned courses as shown below.
- Now, select search button to list out all the possible course centers against your search criteria. Further, you can contact them directly for an appointment.
We wish you all the best for your German integration course.
I am already working in Germany with blue card. can I apply for an Integration course ?
No.. you don’t need an Integration course as you are already working.