How to register your Apartment (Meldebestätigung) ?

It would be surprising for expats that it is compulsory to register your apartment in Germany. On top of that, the Apartment should have at least 13m2 / person. So, make sure that you have enough area to accommodate your family before signing the contract.

Once you find your dream Apartment, you need the following documents to register your new Apartment at your nearest local residents’ registration office (Einwohnermeldeamt) or Rathaus (Town office).

Required Documents
  1. Valid Apartment contract (Mietvertrag) duly signed by Landlord (Vermieter).
  2. Wohnungsgeberbestätigung– It’s a form which contains information about the new tenant. It should be duly signed by Landlord (Vermieter). If you have a sublet contract, it’s okay to be signed by the existing tenant (Hauptmieter).
  3. Passport or valid Identity card (EU Blaue Karte).
  4. Apartment Registration form (Wohnungsanmeldung Formular) – This form is available in the Rathaus and you should fill the details about your existing and previous apartments plus other personal details. If you are new to Germany, you can fill your Hometown Residential address as previous Address.

Once you submit the above documents, Einwohnermeldeamt will issue the Meldebescheinigung document which certifies that you are currently legally staying in that city. Further, they will update your Identity card with the current apartments address.

Eazyleben tips:

  1. Its better to register your apartment in the nearest Einwohnermeldeamt in less than two weeks after you move to new Apartment.
  2. Be careful about Apartment Registration form (Wohnungsanmeldung Formular) as it can be for Anmeldung (new registration in the city), Ummeldung (move in within the city) and Abmeldung (moving out of the country).
  3. If you are registering in Germany for the first time, don’t forget to update your name on the post box (preferably last name) soon after registration at Einwohnermeldeamt as Federal Central Tax Office (Bundeszentralamt für Steuern) will send you the 11 digits tax ID (Steuer-ID). This ID is valid for your life time in Germany.
  4. The 13 digits Steuernummer (tax number) which is different from Steuer ID is a unique tax filing number which is issued by your local Finanzamt after you file your first tax return.
Read Here: All about German Tax system for Employees
Read Here: Fill your German forms with Eazy leben Form Assist online


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