EU BLUE CARD – Advantages Explained

EU blue card is issued for highly skilled NON-EU residents who earns more than €55.200 per year or for highly skilled shortage professionals earning more than 43.056 € per year (Data for the year 2020).

EU blue card is issued to attract NON-EU residents who are planning for a long term stay in Germany (or EU).One of the main advantages which we could find is that an EU blue card holder can apply for Permanent Residence (PR) in 21 months (with Social contribution) with B1 language qualification or 33 months (with Social contribution) without any language prerequisites. A non-EU blue card holder must wait up to 5 years (60 months) to apply for PR application.

Also, an EU blue card holder can apply for EU long-term residence permit after five years. Both times spent in Germany and other EU member states where you spent at least 18 months period counts for the qualification period. In addition, you should have stayed at least for 24 months in the member state where you intend to apply for EU settlement permit.

i.e. qualification period (60 months) for long term EU residence permit application in Germany = sum of duration of (your residence in other EU member states with at least 18 months + residence in Germany with at least 24 months)

Read Here: All about Family Reunion Visa
Read Here: Documents required for German Settlement permit Here

Well, let’s have a further look about other advantages.

  • Your employment is subject to social insurance contributions and resulting benefits – pension insurance contributions, statutory health insurance, unemployment benefits etc.
  • Self-employment as a sideline (up to 15 hours per week) possible.
  • Holders of an EU Blue Card may stay outside Germany for up to 12 months without losing entitlement to an EU Blue Card. This provision also includes family members. However, this time will not be credited when applying for a residency permit.
  • After first two years employment, no authorization needs to be acquired from the immigration services to change jobs within Germany.
  •  After 18 Months one can take up employment in another blue card issuing member. They can apply for the Blue Card of that Member state within a period of one month before starting the employment. for e.g. Individuals who have held an EU Blue Card in another EU Member State for at least 18 months may enter Germany without requiring a visa. They can then apply for an EU Blue Card for Germany within one month of entering the country, but before taking up employment.
  • Immediate family reunification: spouse and siblings (under 18) may join. Spouse has access to labor market.
  • The EU Blue Card entitles the holder to spend visa-free periods of up to 90 days within a 180-day period in the other Schengen States for the purpose of tourism.
  • If you lose Job, you can stay up to 3 months looking for a new Job and then you may be asked to leave the hosting country.
  • relatives of the owners of the EU blue card can work without delay and limits in Germany
Read Here: Request Free statement of Contribution to German Pension Fund online Here

The EU Blue card system is very effective for someone who is looking for a long term stay in Germany. Apart from all above stated benefits, it lets you access to PR in 21 or 33 months, EU settlement permit in 5 years and then further to German citizenship.

Read Here: Refund of Pension Contributions on leaving Germany in less than 5 years


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